
I Love Green Tea!

I green tea!

Image from fuckyeahilovetea

Eating is so much fun. I know how it can be purely a functional activity -- to fill you up, sustain your energy, to survive. But eating is sensorial too. The texture of a chocolate cupcake on your tongue... the swirl of the oyster once off its shell and in your mouth... the cold tickling sensation of a slurpee slurped too quickly.

An overload of the senses comes when I eat too much though. Yeah, it's like they're numbed. And so green tea comes to the rescue. It pacifies my rebelling stomach.

It's like an Aunt calmly telling me not to eat so much next time while patting my head. Warm and comforting. Weird analogy but yes, green tea is comfort. Green tea is an equalizer!

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